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Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in style, beauty, travel, home & food. 

My Secret Trick to Organizing Make Up

My Secret Trick to Organizing Make Up

Being a make up fien has its pros, but when it comes to where the hell you're supposed to store it all, it also has its cons. Over the years I've dabbled with a couple ways of organizing, like vanities, drawers or living out of my make up bag (do not recommend). But the most convenient way my mom has taught me is using a simple household item— an appetizer tower. 


This may sound strange at first, but bare with me. Most have three levels, which is perfect for separating into the three main sections: lips, eyes and face. It keeps everything tidy, while simultaneously displaying all your favorite make up goodies. To avoid clutter, I like to store products I'm not currently using often (due to either season or preference) in totes under my sink. This way, I don't have to dig through piles and those items aren't collecting dust!


When it comes to lipsticks, I think using acrylic holders is the best way to neatly display your collection— it just looks so clean. The drawers are also nice for large sized palettes. CQ Acrylic has many different sizes available on Amazon Prime. Lastly, throw your brushes in decorative cup and your make up station is perfectly organized.



xo, Mackenzie

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