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My Bathroom Renovation

My Bathroom Renovation

Hi everyone! FABULOUS NEWS!!

I feel like I have been teasing you all on Instagram for way too long. Unfortunately, we came across some design issues that delayed the process and were completely out of my control 😔 But DRUMROLL PLEASE, because it’s finally done! The wait is over! MY BATHROOM IS COMPLETE!


Those who know me know I've been BEGGING, I mean practically on my hands and knees, to get my bathroom renovated.

Here's a little background story: years ago, my Dad bought a total fixer upper house on a lake. While he's made a lot of progress (painfully slow though, I might add), there's still a longggg way to go. My bathroom was one of the major areas that needed work. I mean, total 70's bathroom. Completely in tact from when the home was first built. Floral wallpaper. A green toilet. GREEN. WITH A CUSHION. A CUSHION! In high school I legitimately boycotted my bathroom, demanding a BASIC white toilet and the wallpaper to be immediately removed. Let me tell you, it caused so many fights with my sister and I, then sharing her bathroom, that he eventually obliged.

The few updates he added to my bathroom over the years (fresh paint, granite countertops, new sink & toilet) were enough to hold me over, but the bathroom still needed major work. Especially the shower. That's why I am BEYOND ECSTATIC that I've finally been granted my one wish: bathroom renovation!!


It has been such a fun process to pick everything out—I knew I wanted an all white bathroom. Clean lines, very sleek. Pops of gray and silver. To match my bedroom of course! Again, here I go with only liking neutrals. Claudia, my Dad’s long time significant other, is an interior designer, so she redesigned the whole layout and helped me pick out all the materials. Her business page will be up and running shortly, I’ll update this post with that info as soon as I can!

I have a thing for subway tile. It's the Joanna Gaines in me. So I knew I wanted to incorporate it somehow. The shiny, white version we used for the shower looks so simple, which was exactly what I wanted, yet allows the tile in the niche to really stand out! It’s the most gorgeous crackled tile that gives the illusion of a shimmering jewel.

I had a minor freak out that I wasn't going to have a space to take a #shelfie, so we added built in shelving by the vanity at the last minute. I think it came together SO beautifully with the same tile as the shower niche. Ok ok, it's not just for #shelfie material, it's also because I'm such a visual person. I like to see my products everyday, or else they just get lost and forgotten in a drawer. And we can't have that, can we? Would you all like to see an updated #shelfie?

The thing that held us up the longest was the glass and hardware for the shower. The width of the shower was not standard sizing, so everything had to be custom made. It was hard to even find a company willing to make hardware that fit! But we finally found someone. With any custom made product, it usually takes weeks, sooo that was the major hold up. We wanted the whole space to look super open and airy. Although pictures don’t do it justice, scroll down to see the whole space!


Well there you have it! I hope you all love my bathroom as much as I do, and it gives you some design inspo for your future bathroom! Please feel free to message me with any questions about exact materials.

xo, Mackenzie

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